In 2023, we decided to completely revamp the Boettgeri enclosure from scratch. Our commitment is to always provide the best for our animals. We dismantled our charming blue shed due to the weather's harsh effects on it.
We opted for the cold frame concept, which proved successful with our Hermanni Hermanni, as these animals thrive in high light conditions. We advocate for a greenhouse/cold frame setup. Inside, we've installed the latest Arcadia thermal zoos, all regulated by a Microclimate Evo Connected 3 thermostat. We've also conditioned our substrates, as our region's clay-rich soil is unsuitable for tortoises. The dampness can cause shell rot, so we've enriched the soil with ample sand and calcium, which also absorbs warmth from the sun, aiding in our tortoises' thermoregulation. Our enclosure is designed to facilitate natural brumation during winter, with constant background heating from tubular heaters set to prevent temperatures from dropping below freezing.