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Occasionally, we offer our own hatchlings for sale.     (NOW AVAILABLE - January 2025)

Hermanni Hermanni (Western Hermann's Tortoise)

Hermanni Boettgeri (Eastern Hermann's Tortoise)

Eastern Hermann's Tortoises are more commonly encountered, while Western Hermann's Tortoises are rarer.

Our hatchlings are reared on a diet of mixed weeds, supplemented with Testudo Pre Alpin, Nutrabol and calcium.

Upon request, we can  a setup that includes a able with Arcadia T5 UV lighting, among other essentials. Please note that these setups are not available without prior notice.

It's crucial not to skimp on your tortoise's setup. They need an environment where they can thrive, not just survive. Correct  lighting is most important. We strongly advise you to research thoroughly, as many sellers offer products that are unsuitable and could harm your tortoise's health.

Ultimately, these animals will require a heated outdoor enclosure with access to the outdoors. This is an important consideration even when caring for a small hatchling.




       East                         West

Please make sure you have your setup ready before you purchase (or getting us to put one together for you) We can put a recommended setup together for you.

Never buy on impulse. All hatchlings are bred by ourselves not imported and sold on. They also come with correct article 10 paperwork applied by ourselves as the breeder (not fake imported from farms)


We have a form below if your looking at having a tortoise from ourselves. 

Please note we incubate our tortoise eggs at 32°C. Its at the highest end of the scale for incubation. Some say the higher the incubation temps the more likely female. However there are no guarantees on this where ever you buy your tortoise from.  There is unfortunately no way of telling if a tortoise is male or female at that size. When immature, they all show characteristics of a female. Although this is just because they are not mature. Normally  tortoise become sexable from around 5 years old (500g in weight) 

Thanks! Message sent. We will be in touch

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