Links & Further Reading
We recommend you look at these sites or groups;
Ebay - Our personal eBay we list some excess food, Calcium, substrate etc. - Our FB page Give us a like - Follow us on Instagram
Facebook groups worth joining, Please give me a shout (Nick Hickey)
Herman Tortoises UK A great community for tortoise keepers lots of useful info here
Herman tortoise keepers U.K. A species specific group especially for hermans
Tortoise Protection Group A site for great advice and rehoming if you would like to rehome a tortoise in
Tortoise Keepers Community A general group discus all sorts of different tortoise species.
Torts R Us selling page A great place to buy plants suitable for your tortoise tables and winter foods.
Tortoise Hibernation Group The must join group for all things hibernation.
TORTOISE PROTECTION GROUP Great advice and Rehoming.
THE TORTOISE TABLE Great for identifying weeds etc. Useful app available for smartphones.
TORTOISE TRUST Great source of information.
A Beginners Guide To Hermann's Tortoises A useful guide for beginners available paperback or ebook.
Edible Plants For Tortoises In Popular weed identifying book by Linda King. (3rd edition) Great for identifying weeds
The U.K
Naturalistic keeping and breeding of Hermann's Tortoises - Wolfgang Wegehaupt An in depth read. very good book! English
Mediterranean Tortoises: Where and how they live in the Wild - Wolfgang Wegehaupt
Vets we use Taylor & Marshall Veterinary Surgeons (